Georgian Priests meet with Neapolitan parishioners in St. Andrew Church of Naples

Naples, July 5, 2013

On June 30, 2013, Priests of the Georgian Orthodox Church again visited the Church of Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called in Naples. They have come to Naples to meet with members of the local Georgian community.

The Rectors of the Georgian parishes in Milan and Reggio Emilia Hieromonk Kirion (Machaidze) and Hieromonk Gennady (Gurtskaya) celebrated a prayer service and baptized a child, reports the St. Andrew Church's website.

The Georgian Priests had a brotherly communication with the Rector of St. Andrew parish Archpriest Igor Vyzhanov during which they thanked him for allocating the church building to the clergy of the Georgian Church (which has become a tradition), who do not have their own church in Naples.

7 июля 2013 г.

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